martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014

Modificar el bloque informacion en prestashop: Entrega, Aviso legal, Condiciones de uso, Sobre, Pago seguro, Nuestras tiendas Entrega, Aviso Legal, Condiciones de uso, Sobre y Pago seguro

Este bloque se encuentra enPanel de Administracion > Preferencias > CMS

Ahi puedes añadir o quitar el footer de prestashop

Para modificar nuestras tiendas

Por un lado podemos modificar (o eliminar) la imagen que aparece a la derecha de la página principal en Panel de Administrador > Módulos > Buscar:Tiendas > Seleccionar Bloque tiendas > Configurar ó Desactivar ó Eliminar, según se quiera.

Por otro modificamos el "nuestras tiendas" del panel de información:

Ir a Panel de Administador > Preferencias > Contacto y Tiendas

Aquí podemos añadir tiendas pinchando en Añadir Nuevo (los que vienen por defecto podemos eliminarlos).

Si nos desplazamos hacía abajo modificamos el mapa que se vé por defecto, cambiando la latitud y longitud por defecto.

miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014

Atajos de teclado Windows 8

Para quien no use asiduamente los atajos de teclado, decirles que es una herramienta muy util que ademas de permitirte llevar a cabo tus tareas con mayor velocidad te resulta muchisimo mas comodo. Sin ir mas lejos, hay veces que el raton se quedaba bloqueado y no habia otra forma de moverse por el S.O. que por teclado. Pues bien, ya sea para casos de emergencia o simplemente por mejorar la productividad aqui expongo algunos de los atajos que ofrece Windows 8

Win + Q - Muestra las aplicaciones abiertas
Win + Z - muestra la barra de apps de Metro
Win + . - Encaja la app actual en la derecha de la pantalla, o en la izquierda si lo pulsas dos veces.
WIN + W: Búsqueda de los parámetros del sistema.
WIN + O: Desactivar la rotación de pantalla.
WIN + C: Abrir una simplificación menú “Inicio” y establecer la fecha y la hora.
Win + Y: Cambia la vista de escritorio, puede ocultar temporalmente todas las ventanas maximizadas para ver el escritorio.
WIN + I: Abre la configuración del menú Inicio.
WIN + K: WIN + K – Abre el menú de configuración de conexiones.
Win + D: Muestra el Escritorio.
Win + E: Abre el Explorador de Windows.
Win + F: Abre la aplicación de búsqueda de archivos.
Win + I: Presenta la sección de Configuración.
WIN + V: Permite alternar entre las notificaciones.
WIN + R: Abre Ejecutar.
WIN + L: Bloquea el equipo.
Win + Z: Abre una barra de aplicación.
Win + X: Presenta el nuevo Windows Mobility Center

Directorio de Blogs

viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

Cambiar logo prestashop 1.6

Para cambiar el logo de prestashop hay que entrar a PREFERENCIAS y en TEMAS est ala opcion de cambiar el logo

Poner en modo mantenimiento una web hecha en prestashop 1.6

Mientras se esta creando la web o con posterioridad, cuando se desee realizar algún cambio en la web tendremos que activar el modo mantenimiento.

Para activarlo hay que entrar en el back office en las opciones:


En la opcion de activar tienda pinchar en NO

Seleccionamos "Guardar"

Una vez realizados estos cambios veremos la tienda en modo mantenimiento.

Para poder trabajar viendo la web sin que los demas la vean, pulsaremos en el boton que hay mas abajo que pone "añadir mi IP" y volvemos a guardar.

De esta forma unicamente nosotros podremos ver la web.

Si en algun momento vuelve a salirnos el modo de mantenimiento es porque habremos cambiado de IP, sencillamente volveremos a repetir este ultimo paso de añadir nuestra IP como modo mantenimiento.

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

sábado, 22 de febrero de 2014

Instalar adobe flash player en ubuntu

Para instalar Adobe Flash player en ubuntu seguir los siguientes pasos

Para poder llevar a cabo estos comandos hay que ser administrador ( root )

Abrimos un terminal ( Ctrl +  Alt  + T)

Escribimos sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer

Será necesario reiniciar firefox ( cerrar y abrir )

y listo

Which destination MAC address is used when a multicast EIGRP packet is encapsulated into an Ethernet frame?

Which destination MAC address is used when a multicast EIGRP packet is encapsulated into an Ethernet frame?


If all router Ethernet interfaces in an EIGRP network are configured with the default EIGRP timers, how long will a router wait by default to receive an EIGRP packet from its neighbor before declaring the neighbor unreachable?

10 seconds
**15 seconds
20 seconds
30 seconds

Which EIGRP route would have the preferred administrative distance?

an internal route

an external route that is redistributed from RIP

**a summary route

an external route that is redistributed from OSPF

Fill in the blank Chapter 4 ccna Eigrp topology table

Fill in the blank.

In an EIGRP topology table, a route that is in a/an ” active ” state will cause the Diffusing Update Algorithm to send EIGRP queries that ask other routers for a path to this network.

Which command is used to display the bandwidth of an interface on an EIGRP-enabled router?

show ip protocols
**show interfaces
show ip interface brief
show ip route

jueves, 20 de febrero de 2014

Problemas de rendimiento Prestashop ¿Cómo saber qué esta pasando?

Estoy teniendo algunos problemas de rendimiento en varias de las webs que administro. Entre ellas y la que más se nota la lentitud es una tienda online hecha en Prestashop. 

Prestashop es una herramienta cojonuda, todo es ultra sencillo y precisamente por eso también creo que esta un poco sobre cargado. Sobrecargado en el sentido de la cantidad de consultas a la base de datos con los consecuentes gastos de CPU y RAM del servidor 

¿Porqué sé que es un gasto de CPU y RAM?

He utilizado esta herramienta:

Lo bueno de pingdom es que te analiza los tiempos de cargas tanto de imagenes como de css como de javascripts. Volviendo al grano, eliminando temporalmente varias imágenes, es decir reduciendo considerablemente la carga de la web y volviendo a hacer el escaneo con pingdom resulta que el tiempo de carga de la web es el mismo.

Por lo que no queda otra, hay que mejorar la CPU y la RAM del hosting. que en 1and1 no es que sea demasiado buena. Otros proveedores de hosting tienen eso mejor solucionado

Nota: el prestashop ha sido optimizado etc etc.

martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

System Image Packaging Cisco

What two actions result from entering the network command in RIP configuration mode on a router?

The network address is advertised to the neighbor routers
Routing updates are sent through all the interfaces belonging to

Which two requirements are used to determine if a route can be considered as an ultimate route in a router's routing table?

-Contain an exit interface
-Contain a next hop IP address

Which route will a router use to forward an IPv4 packet after examining its routing table for the best match with the destination address?

-A level 1 ultimate route

Which two statements describe the OSPF routing protocol?

-Calculates its metric using bandwidth
-Uses Dijkstra's algorithm to build the SPF tree

What is the purpose of the passive-interface command?

Allows a router to receive routing updates on an interface but not send updates via that interface

jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014

CCNA Rounting Protocols chapter 2 exam

Refer to the exhibit. Which is the best way for PC A and PC B to successfully communicate with sites on the Internet?
Two routes have to be created: a default route in R1 to reach ISP and a static route in ISP to reach R1 for the return traffic. This is a best solution once PC A and PC B belong to stub networks. Moreover, static routing consumes less bandwidth than dynamic routing.
This item references content from the following areas:
Routing Protocols
  • 2.1.1 Static Routing

Which type of static route that is configured on a router uses only the exit interface?
When only the exit interface is used, the route is a directly connected static route. When the next-hop IP address is used, the route is a recursive static route. When both are used, it is a fully specified static route.
This item references content from the following areas:
Routing Protocols
  • 2.2.1 Configure IPv4 Static Routes

Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator needs to configure a default route on the Border router. Which command would the administrator use to configure a default route that will require the least amount of router processing when forwarding packets?
The default route configured with the next-hop option requires a recursive lookup.
This item references content from the following areas:
Routing Protocols
  • 2.2.2 Configure IPv4 Default Routes

Refer to the exhibit. What command would be used to configure a static route on R1 so that traffic from both LANs can reach the 2001:db8:1:4::/64 remote network?
To configure an IPv6 static route, use the ipv6 route command followed by the destination network. Then add either the IP address of the adjacent router or the interface R1 will use to transmit a packet to the 2001:db8:1:4::/64 network.
This item references content from the following areas:
Routing Protocols
  • 2.2.3 Configure IPv6 Static Routes

Which two statements describe classful IP addresses? (Choose two.)
This item references content from the following areas:
Routing Protocols
  • 2.3.1 Classful Addressing

A company has several networks with the following IP address requirements:
IP phones - 50
PCs - 70
IP cameras - 10
wireless access points - 10
network printers - 10
network scanners - 2

Which block of addresses would be the minimum to accommodate all of these devices if each type of device was on its own network?
The network for the PCs would require a subnet mask of /25 in order to accommodate 70 devices. That network could use IP addresses 0 through 127. Phones require a subnet mask of /26 for 50 devices (addresses 128-191). Three /28 networks are needed in order to accommodate cameras, APs, and printers. The network scanner network can use a /30. A block of addresses with a mask of /24 will accommodate this site as the minimum amount needed.
This item references content from the following areas:
Routing Protocols
  • 2.3.3 VLSM

Which three IOS troubleshooting commands can help to isolate problems with a static route? (Choose three.)
The pingshow ip route, and show ip interface brief commands provide information to help troubleshoot static routes. Show version does not provide any routing information. The tracert command is used at the Windows command prompt and is not an IOS command. The show arp command displays learned IP address to MAC address mappings contained in the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table.
This item references content from the following areas:
Routing Protocols
  • 2.5.2 Troubleshoot IPv4 Static and Default Route Configuration

What happens to a static route entry in a routing table when the outgoing interface is not available?
This item references content from the following areas:
Routing Protocols
  • 2.5.2 Troubleshoot IPv4 Static and Default Route Configuration

Open the PT Activity. Perform the tasks in the activity instructions and then answer the question.

What IPv6 static route can be configured on router R1 to make a fully converged network? 
To reach the remote network, R1 will need a static route with a destination IPv6 address of 2001:db8:10:12::/64 and an exit interface of S0/0/1. The correct static route configuration will be as follows:ipv6 route 2001:db8:10:12::/64 S0/0/1.
This item references content from the following areas:
Routing Protocols
  • 2.2.3 Configure IPv6 Static Routes

Routing Protocols exam Chapter 1

Which two statements correctly describe the concepts of administrative distance and metric? (Choose two.)
This item references content from the following areas:
Routing Protocols
  • 1.2.2 Path Determination

Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator has configured R1 as shown. When the administrator checks the status of the serial interface, the interface is shown as being administratively down. What additional command must be entered on the serial interface of R1 to bring the interface up?
By default all router interfaces are shut down. To bring the interfaces up, an administrator must issue the no shutdown command in interface mode.
This item references content from the following areas:
Routing Protocols
  • 1.1.3 Basic Settings on a Router

What is one feature that distinguishes routers from Layer 2 switches?
Routers can support a variety of interfaces for connecting to WANs, such as serial, DSL, and wireless. Switches typically connect to LANs and only support Ethernet standards, such as Fast Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet. Both routers and switches can be configured with IP addresses and can move packets from one interface to another. They also both use tables of data, such as routing tables and MAC address tables, to determine how to process data traffic.
This item references content from the following areas:
Routing Protocols
  • 1.1.3 Basic Settings on a Router

Which command is used to configure an IPv6 address on a router interface so that the router will combine a manually specified network prefix with an automatically generated interface identifier?
The eui-64 parameter in the ipv6 address command specifies that the router should combine the configured network prefix with an automatically generated interface identifier. The link-local parameter tells the router to use this address as a link-local address rather than the automatically derived link-local address. Using the command ipv6 enable instructs the router to use router advertisements to automatically determine both the network prefix and the interface identifier.
This item references content from the following areas:
Routing Protocols
  • 1.1.3 Basic Settings on a Router

What type of IPv6 address is required as a minimum on IPv6 enabled interfaces?
All IPv6 enabled interfaces must have a link-local IPv6 address. This address can be statically configured or dynamically configured.
This item references content from the following areas:
Routing Protocols
  • 1.1.4 Verify Connectivity of Directly Connected Networks

What two pieces of information are displayed in the output of the show ip interface briefcommand? (Choose two.)
The command show ip interface brief shows the IP address of each interface, as well as the operational status of the interfaces at both Layer 1 and Layer 2. In order to see interface descriptions and speed and duplex settings, use the command show running-config interface. Next-hop addresses are displayed in the routing table with the command show ip route, and the MAC address of an interface can be seen with the command show interfaces.
This item references content from the following areas:
Routing Protocols
  • 1.1.4 Verify Connectivity of Directly Connected Networks

Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator issues the show ipv6 route command on R1. What two conclusions can be drawn from the routing table? (Choose two.)
From the routing table, R1 knows two directly connected networks and the multicast network (FF00::/8). It does not know any routes to remote networks. The entry 2001:DB8:ACAD:A::12/128 is the local host interface route.
This item references content from the following areas:
Routing Protocols
  • 1.3.2 Directly Connected Routes

A network administrator configures a router by the command ip route What is the purpose of this command?
The command ip route <next hop> adds a default route to the routing table of a router. When the router receives a packet and does not have a specific route toward the destination, it forwards the packet to the next hop indicated in the default route. A route created with the ip route command is a static route, not a dynamic route.
This item references content from the following areas:
Routing Protocols
  • 1.3.3 Statically Learned Routes

A network administrator is implementing dynamic routing protocols for a company. Which command can the administrator issue on a router to display the supported routing protocols?
The command router ? will display the routing protocols supported by a router. The other answers will display the command options for each case.
This item references content from the following areas:
Routing Protocols
  • 1.3.4 Dynamic Routing Protocols